Nagpur: “Despite all the adversities, women are bracing for a career in Armed Forces”, said Maj Gen (Dr) Vibha Dutta, SM, Director, and CEO, AIIMS, Nagpur, while addressing students, faculty members and staff at IIM Nagpur on Wednesday, 9 March, 2022. Dr Dutta was speaking during a special event organized to celebrate Women’s day on Mar 9, 2022.
Sharing her experiences while serving in the Army, Dr Dutta pointed out that life of a doctor was very different there as compared to regular medical practitioners. She pointed out that men and women come out very tough after serving in difficult situations. She was all praise for today’s women who are accepting all the challenges coming their way and coming out winners.
“Women must be given the credit for the progress that we as a nation have achieved. They have themselves evolved and in turn our country has managed to achieve great heights,” Dr. BhimarayaMetri, Director, IIM Nagpur, said while delivering the presidential address on the occasion.
Week-long activities were organized to mark International Women’s Day at IIM Nagpur. Dr Dutta and DrMetri gave away prizes to winners of various competitions during the function. Students of IIMN gave a short analytical presentation on women equality. Students of AIIMS Nagpur too participated in the programme.
Caption: (Photo 1) Maj Gen (Dr) Vibha Dutta, SM, Director, and CEO, AIIMS was felicitated by Dr. BhimarayaMetri, Director, IIM Nagpur, during a function organised to mark the International Women’s Day recently
(Photo 2) – Maj Gen (Dr) Vibha Dutta, SM, Director, and CEO, AIIMS while addressing the students and faculty students, faculty members and staff at IIM Nagpur