Nagpur: A decision to raise Multi-purpose Buddhist Theme Park on the land of Dr Panjabrao Deshmukh Krushi Vidyapeeth, adjacent to Futala tank in the city, was taken during a meeting of Guardian Minister Chandrashekhar Bawankule with State Agriculture Minister Eknath Khadse on Wednesday.
As Nagpur city has completed its 300 years of existence, a tri-centennial committee has been set up, under which a proposal to construct Multi-purpose Buddhist Theme Park was accorded sanction. It will be in fact Bouddha Shilpa Vigyan in the city and it will attract foreign tourists to the city. As a result, not only will employment opportunity get promoted, but also will the State-GDP increase.
The project will be implemented as a joint venture on the land of Dr Panjabrao Deshmukh Krushi Vidyapeeth, which could not come to shape because of delay in the consent of Dr Panjabrao Deshmukh Krushi Vidyapeeth.
Now, the Nagpur Guardian Minister Bawankule has settled the score with State Agriculture Minister Eknath Khadse, the state agriculture ministry has extended its support to the cause, that is to say, the required land will soon be made available for construction.