Mumbai cops arrest Telangana youth for sending death threat emails to Mukesh Ambani


Mumbai: Gamdevi police of Mumbai arrested a 19-year-old man from Telangana for sending multiple death threat emails to Reliance Industries Chairman and Managing Director Mukesh Ambani.

Ganesh Ramesh Vanpardhi had sent emails in the name of Shadab Khan. Initially, he demanded Rs 20 crore as ransom, then kept increasing the amount to Rs 400 crore in a series of threat emails.


Earlier, the VPN network used to send the emails was detected in Belgium. According to media reports, police are interrogating the accused and he has been remanded to police custody. Primarily, it looks like mischief but the cops are questioning to know more details about the emails and network used by the accused.

Mukesh Ambani, one of the richest businessmen in the world, has been receiving threat mails since October 27 from a single email ID followed by Saturday and Monday. All threat emails made a ransom demand, the reports said.

In one of the threat mails, the accused had threatened that Ambani would be shot dead if he did not pay Rs 200 crore. The email sender was suspected to be the same person who previously sent three threat emails on different occasions. The sender had sent emails on October 31 and November 1. The Gamdevi police and Mumbai Crime Branch officials are investigating the matter. Ambani received threatening emails on the company’s email IDs — first on Friday evening and the next one on Saturday, last week.