Maharashtra Health Minister Rajesh Tope on Wednesday said the surge in COVID-19 cases in the state is restricted to certain districts, and despite the spike, hospitalisations remain at 2-3 per cent.
Seeking to allay the concerns over the rising COVID-19 graph, Tope said no new variant is detected except Omicron.
He, however, informed that Mumbai’s case positivity rate has touched 40 per cent and the health department is maintaining vigil.
Maharashtra on Wednesday recorded 4,024 new coronavirus cases, a 36 per cent rise over the previous day, and two pandemic-related deaths.
Mumbai reported 2,293 infections, the highest daily count since January 23.
“The spike in cases is restricted to certain districts in Maharashtra. The rise is seen in Mumbai, Thane, Pune, Palghar and Raigad districts. Despite the spike in cases, the percentage of hospitalisation is 2 to 3 per cent,” Tope said.
The minister appealed to parents and teachers to ensure vaccination of children in the age group of 12 to 18 years.
“As a precaution, testing has been increased,” he added.