Nagpur: As many as 9 people have been arrested on Saturday in connection with the murder of a 30 year old youth Shekhar Damodar Vadatkar on Friday afternoon in Ashirwad Nagar area under Sakkardara police station.The crime was reportedly committed after a petty fight over the flown down kite which fumed to a serious spat at the NIT ground in front of Bajaj Building in Ashirwad Nagar. Shockingly all of the arrested accused are under 20 years of age.
This was informed in a special press meet organised by police officials on Saturday. Additional Commissioner of Police (Crime Branch) Ranjan Kumar Sharma, Deputy Commissioner of Police (Zone-IV) Ishu Sindhu, Assistant Commissioner of Police Anil Raut, Assistant Commissioner of Police Babasaheb Budhwant and In-Charge of Sakardhara Police Station Senior Police Inspector H P Mulani addressed the press meet where they revealed the results of the investigations.
The accused who have been arrested are identified as:
1. Sheikh Chand Sheikh Mohammed aged 19 years and a resident of Near Big Taj Bagh, Azad Colony, Sakkardara
2. Shahrukh Khan Sheikh Khalil Sardar Khan aged 19 years and a resident of Barah Kholi, Near Big Taj Bagh, Sakkardara
3. Faizan Khan Sheikh Khalil aged 19 years and a resident of Near Big Taj Bagh, Gausiya Colony, Sakkardara.
4. Sheikh Salim Sheikh Khalil aged 19 years and a resident of Near Big Taj Bagh, Gausiya Colony, Sakkardara
5. Mohammed Wasim Khan Yunus Khan aged 20 years and a resident of Near Big Taj Bagh, Thakur Plot, Sakkardara
6. Sheikh Naushad Sheikh Nawab aged 18 years and a resident of Near Big Taj Bagh, Nirala Society, Sakkardara
7. Shahnawaz Khan Munna Khan aged 18 years and a resident of Near Big Taj Bagh, Gausiya Colony, Sakkardara
8. Noor Mohammed Sheikh Mohammed aged 18 years and a resident of Near Big Taj Bagh, Gausiya Colony, Sakkardara
9. Sarfaraz Israel Khan aged 18 years and a resident of Near Big Taj Bagh, Gausiya Colony, Sakkardara.
According to Deputy Commissioner of Police (Zone-IV) this murder can be termed as a “crime of passion” as the murder was committed in a fit of rage and as a revenge for roughing up a boy who raised claim over kite. Two of the youth had gone and returned in three motorcycles (two-wheelers) with around nine other young men who were armed with knives.
They had initially intending to only bash them up but when the deceased tried to intervene the attack on the victim (who has injured in the attack); they knifed the victim identified as Sagar Ramdas Gaikwad aged 30 years and a resident of Jooni Beedipeth, Near Old Baudha Vihar.
The cops who worked on the investigation include Police Inspector Gyaneshwar Patil, Assistant Police Inspector Prashant Chaugule, Police Sub Inspector Surajpal Rajputh, Police Sub Inspector Krishna Narayan Singh, Police Head Constable Mahadev Satputhe, Police Head Constable Sanjay Devkar, Police Head Constable Raju Dange, Police Head Constable Milind Moon, Police Head Constable Vijay Kadu, Police Constable Ravindra Raut, Police Constable Satish Nimje, Police Constable Ramkailas Yadav, Driver Police Sub Inspector Pundalikrao Solankhe, Police Constable Govind Deshmukh and all the crime branch officials.