Nagpur MP and Congress candidate Vilas Muttemwar who is contesting his 9th Lok Sabha election got the shot in the arm as senior Congress leader and State’s Employment Guarantee Minister extended its full support to him, ending the long going cold war between the two leaders. AICC Vice President Rahul Gandhi’s visit to Wardha has also triggered his appeal.
Nagpur Today followed Vilas Bhau (as he is fondly called) as he reached out to people from various areas. Former Minister Satish Chaturvedi accompanied him in his Padyatra:
08:45 am: At Itwari Railway Station: Kick off today’s rally
09:15 am: At Shanti Nagar:
09:15 am: At Kawda Peth: The women residents of the area welcomed Vilas Muttemwar with Garlands.
10:20 am: At Tulsi Nagar:
10:35 am: Sai Nagar (At Juna Kharkhana): This was one place where the rally of BJP met Padyatra of Vilas Muttemwar.
10:45 am: At Prem Nagar: People welcome them with garlands.
10:55 am: At Lal Ganj (Dahi Bazaar):
11:05 am: At Lakadganj: People threw flower petals from the roofs.