Panic gripped Kalamna area on Tuesday when a semi-decomposed body of a middle-aged man was found in a godown at Mini Mata Nagar. The deceased has been identified as Vinod Namdeorao Vaidya (32), a resident of Dhanala, Mouda. Police sources said Vinod was a trader of gunny bags. A few days ago, he left his house for a business deal. However, the family members were worried when Vinod failed to return home on the pre-decided time. Meanwhile, the residents of Mini Mata Nagar complained of foul smell from one of the godowns of Naukar Vakeel. Kalamna police was informed after the residents started suspecting the situation. When the godown was opened, cops discovered a semi-decomposed body of a middle-aged man.
Vinod’s cousin identified his body after which cops commenced with their investigations. His body was sent to Indira Gandhi Government Medical College and Hospital for post mortem. Cops have registered a case under Section 302 of the IPC against unidentified murderers.