Published On : Tue, Dec 23rd, 2014

Nag Vidarbha Chamber of Commerce interacts with students of G.S.College of Commerce, Nagpur


sfsdNagpur University wef 2010, has introduced a separate subject of 20 marks on ’Monetary Economics “prominently featuring role of Nag Vidarbha Chamber of Commerce  responding to various changes in Direct & Indirect Taxation by Local, State & Central Govt.

The interactive session was held at Chamber premises on Monday 22.12.14 at 11.30am, wherein Professor of G.S.College of Commerce namely Prof Veena Nagdive, Dr Varsha Palsule, Prof – Amol , Kachhwah, Prof – Raunak Shah, Prof Dhanlaxmi Rao participated  along with 36 students of BCOM Part II & Part III.

President of NVCC Mr Mayur Panchmatia while addressing the gathering welcomed the faculties of GS College with floral  bouquette   & highlighted the role of NVCC towards various Government Trade policies, Acts, Laws, & its adverse impact on Trade & to  strongly take up  with various  Governments  to improve & simplify  the trade particularly in Vidarbha & if required  to go for agitation – mass movement ,the same is done to help solve all trade related issues – problems  with Local – State & Central Government.

Gold Rate
Thursday 13 March 2025
Gold 24 KT 87,100 /-
Gold 22 KT 81,000 /-
Silver / Kg 99,100 /-
Platinum 44,000 /-
Recommended rate for Nagpur sarafa Making charges minimum 13% and above

Direct & Indirect Tax Committee Faculty Member – Mr Sanjay Agrawal – Steel Trader & LBT Agitation Cordinator, Mr Narayan Toshniwal – Trading with all Government departmets across India, Mr Mohan Gattani – Industrialist & Trader, Mr Abhishek Jha – CHA – Customs Handling  Agent, Mr Virendra Chandak – Convenor D&IT Committee – NVCC , addressed the  Seminar one by one in various aspects of Taxes in Trade & Industry. Shri Narayan Toshniwal informed the various types of Direct & Indirect Taxes of Local , State & Central Govt . Mr Mohan Gattani informed about the various Taxes & Laws  which are applicable to Industry & Trade. Mr Abhishek Jha – CHA informed about Laws of Export & Import, Service Tax, Certificate of Origin Issuance by NVCC  to all Exporters.


Mr Sanjay Agrawal informed the history of NVCC, its Proactive role for development of Trade in Vidarbha, Objects & Mission of NVCC & trying to solve entire different Government related Trade issues. Many students participated namely Mr Shivam Sharma , Miss Bushra Shekh, Miss Priyanka Singh, Miss Priyanka Malke, Miss Akhila Sallam ,Miss Sandeep Kaur, Miss Gurmeet Kaur,  Mr Sandeep Sahu, Mr Akshay Atkare, Mr Vishal Sirsawar & raised multidimensional queries as- Role of NVCC, how it functions, does Government provides any financial help, – assistance, why opposition to LBT, Role of NVCC in MIHAN, how to become a member, how NVCC can grow Cotton & Orange  produce – primary main crop – in Vidarbha, why Government levies high rate of taxes, why LBT in Maharashtra & not in other states, what is the role of NVCC in GST, Does Government  listens to NVCC  if not what is the course of action taken, why Vidarbha is backward, etc.!!!. To all their questions the Faculty members of NVCC answered in detail & to the utmost satisfaction of students.

Mr Virendra Chandak, Convenor D& IT Committee – NVCC compered the programme. Shri Manubhai Soni – Secretary NVCC proposed vote of Thanks. Professor Veena  Nagdive & Dr Varsha Palsule in return express deep gratitude for conducting such Programme for the first time, immensely benefitting young students & clarifying their various thoughts – updation about the working of Direct & Indirect Tax committee towards their objects & goals of NVCC & further expressed desire to conduct such programmes every year at NVCC, educating young students who would be soon venturing out of college in various service & business fields.

The programme was followed by High Tea. Prominently present were Prakashji Mehdiaya, Vice President – NVCC, Raju Vyas – Treasurer, Sachin Puniyani –Joint Secretary, states in a Press Note issued by Shri Manubhai Soni, Hon. Secretary of the Chamber.
