The Nagpur branch of Western India Regional Council of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India was awarded as Best Branch of Western Region amongst 36 branches of WIRC of ICAI. The award was distributed by Hon’ble President, ICAI CA. Nihar Jambusaria at Mumbai. This glittering function was held in the presence of CA. Manish Gadia, Chairman WIRC, CA Drusti Desai, Vice Chairperson, WIRC, CA Arpit Kabra, Secretary, WIRC, CA Jayesh Kala, Treasurer, WIRC & CA Yashwant Kasar, WICASA Chairman, WIRC was held at ICAI Bhawan, BKC Auditorium, Mumbai and was attended by large number of Chartered Accountants from all over the Western Region. WICASA Nagpur was also adjudged as the Best Students Association in the Region. Nagpur branch has received both the awards for the year 2021-22.
During the year 2021-22 under the dynamic Chairmanship of CA. Saket Bagdia the Branch organized about 485 programs successfully. The Branch has organized various Seminars – Both on virtual as well as physical mode, VCM’s, Conferences, Workshops, Training programs, Remodeled & Redesigned Study Circle “The Top 10 Series”, 7 National Conferences and Interactive Meetings concentrating on practical exposure and expertise for the members. A host of academic programs were organized with focus on emerging areas of practice, knowledge enhancing and professional enrichment.
In these times of Covid, Nagpur Branch did a stupendous work for helping not only the members but also the general public. On the social responsibility front Nagpur Branch of ICAI has organized Blood / Plasma Donation Camps, more than 1000 Tree Plantations, Swatchh Bharat Abhiyaan, Financial & tax Literacy Drives throughout the year.
Inauguration of “Proud to be CA” Icon at Nagpur Branch premises as well as Accounting Museum set up were special tasks done during the year. Unique events like Virtual Holi Milan, Apne Ganesh Khud Banao, CA Couple Carnival etc were planned during the year.
Nagpur Branch organized various programs that enhanced the image of profession amongst society and also made the public aware about various taxation provisions. Major programs were Public Meet on budget, discussions on union and state budget, programs for cooperative sector, various career counseling programs, no. of press meets to inform about ICAI policies. In addition to these members of ICAI Nagpur are regularly writing informative columns in newspapers and giving interviews in telemedia. Regular interactive meets are held with Income Tax, GST authorities and other regulatory authorities to apprise issues faced by practitioners and assesses.
Reacting to the award CA. Saket Bagdia, Chairman said that the plethora of activities undertaken successfully by the Nagpur Branch was a result of team work as well as motivation, support & co-operation from all the members & students throughout the year which was duly recognized by the Institute & resulted in further enhancement of the brand building of ICAI. Bagdia dedicated the Best Branch Award to the respected members of Nagpur Branch as well as the enthusiastic CA Students. reward He thanked Past President, ICAI CA. Ashok Chandak & CA. Jaydeep Shah, CA. Abhijit Kelkar, RCM and all Past Chairmen of Nagpur Branch, all senior members for their guidance & Managing Committee Members for their active support during the year. He also thanked all the agencies, staff members of the branch & specifically press and media for their support in bringing these laurels to Nagpur Branch.