Published On : Fri, Feb 19th, 2016

Nagpur Branch of ICAI Awarded with All India Best Branch Award at Delhi


ICAI Awarded with All India Best Branch AwardNagpur: The Nagpur branch of Western India Regional Council of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India has been conferred with All India Best Branch Award (Large Branch Category) of ICAI for the year 2015.

CA Kirti Agrawal, Chairperson of the Nagpur Branch received the award at the hands of Hon President, ICAI (2015) CA. Manoj Fadnis and Vice President (2015) CA. Devaraja Reddy. Jayant Sinha, Minister of State Finance, Govt. of India was the Chief Guest at a glittering function held at Convention Hall Ashoka Hotel, New Delhi.

The Nagpur Branch of WIRC of ICAI patronised the theme “Potential Unlimited”, during the year 2015. Various National and Regional level mega events were successfully hosted during the year such as All Maharashtra Tax Convention, 2 Days All Vidarbha Conclave, 2 Days National Convention for CA Students, State Level Women’s Conference and 2 Days Mega Conference on Professional Enrichment.

Gold Rate
Wednesday 19 March 2025
Gold 24 KT 88,900 /-
Gold 22 KT 82,700 /-
Silver / Kg 101,100 /-
Platinum 44,000 /-
Recommended rate for Nagpur sarafa Making charges minimum 13% and above

The branch conducted various Seminars & Conferences (22), Lecture Meets & Panel Discussions (13), Certificate Courses & Training Programmes (11), Workshops (5) and Study Circle Meets (17) remodelled and redesigned as “Mudde Ki Baat” throughout the year concentrating on providing value added information to enrich the profession as a whole.

A host of programs were organised to build the professional capacity of members especially young members and women members including Intensive Study Courses, workshops, exclusive women’s conference and various certificate and refresher courses.

Nagpur Branch took various initiatives to strengthen the image of profession in the eyes of the society by organizing several career counseling programs at different schools, colleges and live sessions on radio. Major programs were organised jointly with prominent trade and other associations of Nagpur. Regular interactive meets and panel discussions were organised with Income Tax, Service Tax, LBT and Service Tax authorities focusing on problems being faced by the members and solutions thereof.

Upholding the idea of “Benefit of all” and commitment towards society, Nagpur branch enthusiastically organised various programs such as blood donation camp, eye check-up camp, full body check-up camp, organ donation camp, visit to orphanages etc. Tree plantation and awareness about Swachhata Abhiyan was also undertaken during the year. In its attempt of contributing towards maintenance of ecological balance, for the first time Nagpur Branch totally stopped use of plastic and plastic materials in its various events and programs. Eco friendly kits were distributed to the members during the year and E-newsletter was promoted.

Nagpur Branch launched its mobile app during the year (Available on Playstore – ICAI Nagpur). Branch also has its own interactive website (www.

Reacting to the award CA. Kirti Agrawal expressed her gratitude towards all those who helped her to serve the profession. She particularly appreciated guidance and mentoring by CA. Manoj Fadnis, the then President ICAI and CA Sunil Patodia, Chairman WIRC. She also gave the credit of her success to Central Council Members, Regional Council Members, Board of Studies, Past Presidents, Past Chairmen, Managing Committee Members, Faculties, Speakers, Seniors, Fellow Colleagues, Head Office, Regional Office, NGOs, Trade Associations, Family, Friends, Press Media and Staff.
