Nagpur: Following the directives by Nagpur Bench of Bombay High Court, the District Collector R Vimala on Tuesday has set up a district-level committee to crackdown on the usage of the deadly nylon manja, the threads used to fly kites. The committee would undertake awareness campaigns and also conduct raids at the manufacturing and selling units.
The special 7-member committee would be headed by Municipal Commissioner for effective action on curbing use of nylon manja in the district. The Division Bench of Justice Sunil Shukre and Justice Anil Pansare had issued the order while hearing a suo motu PIL after reports about injuries and death of citizens due to use of nylon manja.
The task of the special panel would be not only to deal with the sale and use of nylon manja, but also create awareness in society so that citizens avoid using the same. The District Collector also drew upon directives of National Green Tribunal dated 11/07/2017 forbidding manufacture of nylon manja, its use and sale.
Also a ban was imposed on import of the dangerous stuff. Despite the ban in place, the sale and use of nylon manja continues rampantly all over Vidarbha over which the High Court expressed concern and directed further strict measures to ensure safety of people at large.
The Committee with Municipal Commissioner will also have Deputy Commissioner of Police (Special Branch), Superintendent of Police, Nagpur Rural, Cyber Cell, Environment and Pollution Control Board, Maha Metro and officer from District Administration/Nagar Palika or Collectorate.
Meanwhile, Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) Nuisance Detection Squad (NDS) continued the daily action on vendors of plastic kites and nylon manza. NDS teams have been checking shops selling kites and roadside vendors in all ten zones continuously and daily seizing the bundles of nylon manza.
On Tuesday also, the NDS team seized 65 plastic kites and 52 reels of nylon manza. They also imposed fines of Rs. 10,000.