Nagpur: Two cops including a Police Sub-Inspector (PSI) reportedly sustained burn injuries after they tried to prevent Congress workers from burning Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s effigy at Dewadiya Congress Bhavan here, on Sunday. The injured cops — PSI Prahlad Shinde and Constable Dadaji Jambhulkar — were immediately rushed to Indira Gandhi Government Medical College and Hospital (IGGMCH).
According to sources, Congress workers had organised an agitation to express their anguish over Modi government’s failure in handling Covid situation in the country and rising fuel prices at Dewadiya Congress Bhavan. A stringent police bandobast was beefed up in this regards. During the same, when Congress workers tried to burn Modi’s effigy, the two cops reportedly tried to prevent the incident. In the process the duo sustained burn injuries and were rushed to IGGMCH commonly known as Mayo Hospital.