Nagpur: In a bid to expedite the investigation, Nagpur Police have announced a reward of Rs 5 lakh for anyone providing crucial information leading to the apprehension of the accused involved in the rape of an engineering student near Jamtha.
It is pertinent to mention that the 19-year-old complainant is a second-year B.Tech student of a well-known engineering college located on the outskirts of the city. The complainant, who lives in a rented accommodation in the Hingna area, was walking to her college when she was allegedly targeted around 9.50 am on Wednesday.
She was waylaid by a man in his 30s who first threatened to kill her with an axe. He then dragged the young woman to nearby bushes and sexually assaulted her. After the man left the spot, the woman approached the police.
The incident has sent shockwaves through the community.
Cops have been toiling hard to nab the accused. Nagpur Police have formed 17 vigilant teams, who have already interrogated 125 suspects and have also released sketch of the accused.