Nagpur: The Nagpur City Police, under the leadership of Police Commissioner Dr Ravinder Kumar Singal, returned stolen property worth Rs 3 crore to its rightful owners. The event was filled with gratitude, as many complainants and victims thanked city police for getting their stolen belongings back.
Attendees praised the police for their hard work and claimed that the initiative has strengthened the bond of trust between the police and public. The event saw a large turnout of citizens from various areas of Nagpur city, who came to reclaim their stolen property. A total of 80 seized items, including jewellery and other valuables, valued at approximately Rs 3 crore, were handed over to the rightful owners.
In his address, Dr Singal underlined the importance of the Raising Day Week and explained that the initiative was not only about returning stolen goods but also fostering positive relationships between the police and the community. He stated, “The Nagpur Police are committed to ensure that the citizens feel secure and receive justice. Returning stolen property is a result of our dedication to serving the public with a sense of responsibility.”
Abhijit Patil, ACP (Crime), delivered the introductory speech and underlined the importance of the event as part of the Police Foundation Week. In addition to the jewellery and valuables, the program also included guidance on crime prevention, including cybercrime awareness. Dr Singal, along with other police officials, offered tips on how citizens can protect themselves from falling victim to cybercriminals.
Nisar Tamboli, Joint Commissioner of Police, praised the tireless efforts of the police force in recovering stolen goods. He expressed his appreciation for the successful execution of the program and acknowledged the dedication of the officers involved in the investigation and recovery process.
The event was attended by several senior police officials including Addl CP Crime Sanjay Patil, Addl CPs Pramod Shewale, Shivajirao Rathod. WPI Kavita Isarkar compared the programme.