Nagpur: On the occasion of Maharashtra Police Foundation Day, the Nagpur City Police undertook a significant operation to destroy seized liquor valued at approximately Rs 60 lakh. The liquor, confiscated in connection with 402 criminal cases, was safely disposed of in an open ground in the Pardi area on Friday.
The liquor stock had been accumulated from various police stations across the city, including Kalamna, Old Kamptee, New Kamptee, Pardi, Jaripatka, Yashodhara Nagar, Koradi, and Kapil Nagar. To ensure safe and thorough disposal, a road roller was employed to crush the liquor bottles under strict supervision.
Commissioner of Police Dr. Ravinder Kumar Singal personally oversaw the operation, ensuring that all protocols for safe disposal were followed meticulously. The initiative highlights the police department’s commitment to enforcing laws related to illicit liquor trade and reducing its associated criminal activities.
The event also served as a demonstration of the police’s efforts to maintain law and order, especially on the Maharashtra Police Foundation Day, a significant occasion commemorating the state’s law enforcement achievements. The destruction of the seized liquor not only reinforced the crackdown on illegal activities but also conveyed a strong message of accountability and justice to the public.