Nagpur: The Anti-Narcotics Cell (ANC) of Crime Branch nabbed five drug peddlers under Kapil Nagar Police on Wednesday and seized 72.398 gms of Ganja worth ₹ 10.85 lakh. Besides, an Innova car, six mobile phones, cops confiscated materials collectively of ₹ 20.30 lakh.
The names of the accused were given as Jay Rupam Gowardhan (24), a resident of Wardha, Sachin Kailasrao Deshmukh (32), Amit Rohidas Patil (30), Yogesh Dhodiram Salunkhe (35) all residents of Chalisgaon and, Deepak Ashok Shevale (38), a resident of Jalgaon.
According to police sources, cops received tip off about a sliver Innova car (MH/19/BU/5003) that was set to smuggle Ganja into the city via Automotive road. Acting swiftly on the inputs, cops laid a trap between Automotive Square and Kapil Nagar Chowk and intercepted a car and caught the accused with Ganja.
PI Sarthak Nehete, APIs Bayajirao Kurale, Vijay Kasodhan, Rajendrasingh Baghel, Constables, Rajesh Deshmukh, Pradeep Pawar, Samadhan Gite made the arrest.
The drive was planned under the Supervision of Commissioner of Police, Amitesh Kumar, Additional Commissioner of Police (Crime), Sunil Phulari, DCP (Crime) Vivek Masal and ACP (Crime) Sudhir Nandanvar.