Nagpur: In a significant development, starting from Monday, June 26, a total of 2,700 kg of seized narcotics will be destroyed by Nagpur police to commemorate the “International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking.”
The police crackdown on peddlers and addicts has led to the arrest of nearly 256 individuals, including 156 for consumption of narcotics and contraband substances. Specifically, 39 peddlers were arrested in 24 cases for possessing Mephedrone, also known as “White,” by June 15. Additionally, 55 people were arrested in 47 cases for the possession of ganja by June 8.
Following the launch of “Operation Narcops” earlier this month, the Nagpur police have identified 653 spots that were once considered safe zones for drug addicts and peddlers. The ongoing operation has resulted in over 200 cases being registered and narcotics worth more than Rs 2.25 crore seized from vulnerable areas. A local English daily reported that out of the 200 cases, 126 were filed against addicts.
DCP (Crime), Mummaka Sudarshan, stated that each police station now has a “Narco Cell” that works in conjunction with “Operation Narcops.” He emphasized the city police’s aim to make Nagpur a drug-free city and highlighted the regular searches, seizures, and surprise checks conducted at desolate places known to be hotspots, joints, and dens. The DCP urged the public to provide any information about locations that may not have been previously raided or searched.
According to statistics, the Nagpur police have scrutinized approximately 400 individuals by June 15, all of whom had prior records related to drug peddling or consumption. As part of their efforts, the police have extended their actions to schools and colleges, strictly enforcing the ban on tobacco within 100 meters of educational institutions. As a result, 168 cases were registered for selling tobacco and cigarettes within the prohibited zone, and around 15 pan shops were closed in May for violating the ban.
Traps have been set up to intercept drug shipments, particularly Mephedrone, which is known to enter the city via Wardha or Amravati road. Traffic personnel have also been alerted about ganja consignments crossing the city-state highways through the outer ring roads.