Nagpur: In a major setback to Nagpur police, the application for narco test of slain BJP leader Sana alias Heena Khan’s husband-turned-foe Pappu alias Amit Sahu was rejected by the court of Judicial Magistrate First Class (JMFC) on Friday. The court rejected the narco test as accused Pappu Sahu refused to give his consent for the test.
In 2010, a Supreme Court ruling said that the use of narco analysis, brain mapping, and polygraph tests on the accused, suspected and witnesses to a crime, without their consent was unconstitutional and violated their right against self-incrimination.
The police were seeking to conduct a polygraph test to get additional insights into the disposal of Sana’s body. Despite an exhaustive search operation spanning four weeks, the police are yet to locate Sana Khan’s body.
The narco test, also known as narcoanalysis, involves administering an injection of sodium pentothal to the accused, which induces a hypnotic state. This state is believed to render the individual incapable of deception, potentially leading to revelations that might aid the investigation. However, it is important to note that the results of a narco analysis test are not admissible as primary evidence in a court of law.
The case originated from Sana Khan’s disappearance and subsequent murder on August 2. The incident triggered an investigation by Nagpur police. Allegedly, Sana visited her estranged husband, Pappu alias Amit Sahu, at his residence in Jabalpur, which escalated into a violent confrontation leading to her murder.
The search operation commenced on August 5 after a missing complaint was lodged at Mankapur police station, subsequently evolving into a murder case. The police are facing tremendous challenges to locate the dead body of Sana which is the crucial evidence in the murder case to build a strong case against the culprits in the court. Presently, Pappu Sahu, Ramesh Singh, Dharmendra Yadav, Rabbu Chacha alias Ravinshankar Yadav, and Kamlesh Patel remain in police custody.