Nagpur: The Nagpur Commissioner of Police, Amitesh Kumar, has initiated ‘Operation Narcops’ this week, aiming to eliminate drug peddlers from the city. According to a report in a local English daily, a total of 26 teams will conduct input-based operations across Nagpur between 6 pm and 1.30 am.
The report further said that to carry out the operations effectively, the Top Cop has assigned the five zonal Deputy Commissioners of Police (DCPs) to lead the raids. Each DCP has been provided with four special squads and vehicles dedicated to the operations. Additionally, the Commissioner of Police has directed five units of the Crime Branch, stationed at different locations, to concentrate on raids related to narcotics and tobacco.
The Anti-Narcotics Cell of the Crime Branch will continue its citywide operations. In compliance with the instructions, the Crime Branch unit, led by senior Police Inspector Shubhangi Deshmukh, has already seized e-cigarettes valued at over Rs 8.50 lakh.
Commissioner Kumar revealed that approximately 1,150 individuals previously booked in narcotics-related cases are now under scrutiny. He emphasized the need to dismantle the narcotics sourcing, supply, and consumption networks. The Commissioner also highlighted the importance of curbing illicit activities taking place in open spaces, parks, and gardens, asserting that such activities will be halted. He has issued strict directives to police officers to prioritize physical offenses, narcotics-related cases, and property offenses like snatching that occur in public places.
Furthermore, the Commissioner of Police declared the revival of a mission to eliminate tobacco, drugs, and other contraband substances from areas within a 100-meter radius of schools and colleges.
‘Operation Narcops’ is a significant step towards ensuring the safety and well-being of Nagpur’s residents. The concerted efforts of the police force, along with the involvement of specialized units and increased focus on tackling narcotics-related crimes, demonstrate the commitment of the Nagpur Police to combat drug peddling and create a safer environment for the community.