Nagpur: Police Commissioner Amitesh Kumar ordered suspensions of 10 cops from Yashodhara Nagar DB Squad, following reports of their alleged nexus with local beef sellers, on Tuesday. The suspended personnel include two officials and eight police personnel from DB Squad of Yashodhara Nagar.
Sources suggest that the move was made after the Top Cop became aware of their links with local beef sellers. This comes as Nagpur Police has been taking strict action against cow smugglers and beef sellers under the leadership of Commissioner Amitesh Kumar.
The suspended cops include API Kannake, PSI Shirdole, Constables Aaftab, Ravi Wahane, Vishal Sakhare, Mohan and others.
The suspension of the 10 cops is being seen as a clear message from the Police Department that they will not tolerate any complicity with the crime.
Police officials have stated that they will continue to take strict action against anyone found to be involved in cow smuggling or illegal beef trade.