Nagpur: In a significant action, Nagpur Cyber Police helped a ‘Task Fraud’ victim recover his Rs 8.77 lakh that he had lost to an online fraudster. Following the money trail, the cops led by Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) Cyber Archit Chandak and Senior Police Inspector (Cyber) Amit Dolas, also froze the account of the accused, which was used in collecting money from victims.
According to police sources, Bhavesh Ukey from Dighori area had lost Rs 8.77 lakh in ‘Task Fraud’ back in July this year. Following this, he approached the Cyber Police Station. Acting upon this, Cyber Police launched a thorough investigation into the matter. After studying the money trail, cops intercepted a bank account used to collect money from the fraud victims. Cops subsequently froze the accused’s account and wrote a letter to the honorable court to help the victim get back his money. Following the cops’ request, the court directed bank officials to pay the victim his share.
The Cyber Police team comprising API Varsha Bambe, WPC Seema Tekam, Police Shipoy Ajay Pawar, Ajay Ganer, and others made this significant breakthrough.