Nagpur: Promising a ban on dumping garbage at dumping yards by civic bodies, the Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis has equated its existence with that of atom bombs, saying it is more dangerous than the latter. In addition to it Fadnavis also presented a a policy to ban allocation of fresh raw water to industries within three years,
Fadnavis, along with finance, railway and coal minister Piyush Goyal, and union minister for road transport, highways and shipping Nitin Gadkari on Monday performed bhoomipuja of four innovative projects — irrigation and power generation using waste water from coal mines, supply of treated sewage for power generation, and production of power from treated garbage.
Calling it a historic day for the innovations, Fadnavis said all the projects were role models for the entire nation. “I would thank Goyal, Gadkari and energy minister Chandrashekar Bawankule for the projects.
PM Narendra Modi says it will take at least 50 years for development of the nation, and also people, if we go only by existing concepts. The PM says only innovations can help us develop within five years. Therefore, these projects aim to bring a revolution,” he said.
Fadnavis said projects to supply waste water from coal mines, and treated sewage for power generation and irrigation can prevent battles for water. “Already we have started to witness battles between countries, states and districts for water. We have no economic value for water, as we are getting it free or very cheaply. The need is for judicious utilization of water and its reuse. These projects are also beneficial for conservation of environment,” he said.
Fadnavis said the state government has framed the policy to ban allocation of fresh water for industries three years from now taking inspiration from Nagpur’s projects. Goyal said the central government has implemented a policy, after seeing Nagpur’s project, making it mandatory for thermal power stations to use treated sewage if the plant is situated within 50km of urban local bodies.