Nagpur: Since digital awareness is growing up far and wide, it seems that the government officials believe that work is faster done on WhatsApp rather than on official websites. The deputy director of school education in Nagpur has issued a letter to all his Zilla Parishad officials to form WhatsApp groups for different departments. He has sent an official letter to this effect. According to it, the groups can be used by education officers and schools for communication of administrative works.
The letter issued on November 18 (dna has a copy) states that WhatsApp groups will help speed up administrative work and to immediately send government resolutions to the people/department concerned.
The deputy director has directed the officials to form different groups for different members. If a group has members like the deputy director, it should include education officers, deputy education officers and beat education officers and it should be named administration Dy D E Nagpur region. Similarly, there should be a different group of education officers in which all education officers of primary and secondary as well as as all other organisations should be included. In other groups, district-wise education officers and headmasters as well as teachers should be included.
The WhatsApp groups should also circulate communication as regulated. On the group, administrative orders can be given, information on administrative work can be shared, and to bring effectiveness in administrative work groups can discuss about the quality of education in schools. The deputy director has warned to not share any jokes or any wishes on the groups and use the groups purely for administrative work.