Nagpur: Ajni police have booked an ex-cop and his brother for allegedly extorting Rs 97 lakh interest from a 31-year-old man by dolling out threats. Based on the complaint lodged by Manish Bhivaji Raut, a resident of Flat No. 39, Rautwadi, Swavlambhi Nagar, Ajni cops have booked the accused identified as Jayanta Govindrao Selot (44) and his brother Vijay (46), both residents of Bhagwan Nagar under Sections 386, 323, 504, 506 of the IPC and placed them under arrest.
According to police sources, Manish had borrowed Rs 4 lakh from the accused Jayanta on 10% interest. Though, Manish had paid Rs 7.20 lakh returned; the accused sought Rs 97 lakh from the complainant as an interest amount.
When Manish failed to comply with their terms, the accused brothers threatened him with dire consequences before thrashing him.
The accused duo also compelled him to sell his house, to repay the pending dues. Following the regular torture; Manish then approached Ajni Police Station with a complaint.