Are we celebrating Valentine’s Day in true respect?
Nagpur: February 14, Valentine’s Day is celebrated across the world enthusiastically. But questions are being asked whether we are celebrating the day in true spirits. Its matter of great repentance and tragedy that in present day scenario St. Valentino may...
7 मिनट में मिलेगी एमआरआय रिपोर्ट,नागपुर के रेडिओलॉजिस्ट डॉ मुस्तफ़ा ए बिवीजी ने तैयार किया मॉडल
नागपुर - विज्ञान निरंतर प्रगति कर रहा है। चिकित्सा के क्षेत्र में हो रहे अनुसंधान गुणवत्तापूर्ण चिकित्सा के लिए बेहतर विकल्प उपलब्ध करा रहे है। रेडियोलॉजी के क्षेत्र में क्रांतिकारी शोध हो रहा है जिससे नागपुर के जाने माने रेडियोलॉजिस्ट...
Social Media will be the Ultimate Psychological – Sociology Mechanism For Drafting Panchayat to Parliament 2019 Election Results
By : Ajeet Parse -Social Media Analyst Indian Politics has observed a revolution of change over the period of time and its dependency over social media to connect with people experiencing the fellow democracies and its effect. Over its diversified nature,...
Major fire at hospital building on Kingsway Road, 8 hurt
Nagpur: A huge cloud of smoke billowing from the Kingsway road suddenly sent everyone on alert as a major fire broke out in a newly constructed building of Sancheti Hospital near KP Ground on Wednesday afternoon. At least...
नाग नदी सौन्दर्यीकरण से वातावरण शुद्ध व पर्यटन को मिलेंगा बढ़ावा
नागपुर: नाग नदी का सौन्दर्यीकरण का विस्तार योजना फ्रांस की एएफडी ने तैयार किया।जिसे मनपा ने अमल में लाया तो शहर न सिर्फ आकर्षक बल्कि इसे देखने व आनंद लेने के लिए पर्यटकों का भी हुजूम लग सकता हैं.तैयार योजना...
दक्षिण नागपुर में जनता का विधायक चुनने के लिए शुरू है सर्वे, जिनके नाम का हो रहा इस्तेमाल उन्हें जानकारी नहीं
नागपुर: शहर में इन दिनों एक सर्वे मोबाईल फ़ोन में घूम रहा है। किसी स्ट्रैपोल नामक वेबसाईट के माध्यम से कराये जा रहे इस सर्वे में 2019 में होने वाले विधानसभा चुनाव के लिए दक्षिण नागपुर की...
कहां जाएंगे शहर के खिलाड़ी जब खेल मैदानों पर गड़ी आयोजकों की नजर
रेशिमबाग समेत अन्य खेल मैदान पर आयोजकों का अघोषित अतिक्रमण, खिलाड़ी नहीं कर पा रहे प्रैक्टिस नागपुर: रेशिमबाग मैदान के सभी हिस्सों पर पिछले ३ दशक से खिलाड़ी सुबह-शाम अभ्यास कर रहे हैं. इस मैदान की मिटटी पर अभ्यास कर सैकड़ों...
Video: Wildlife activist from Delhi picks holes in Avni killing probe but faces Forest Deptt wrath
Nagpur: The controversial killing of iconic tigress Avni that created a storm in entire country is again grabbing headlines for another dubious reason. A wildlife activist from Delhi who has picked holes in the investigation and has alleged that the...
Video: बाघिन अवनि मामला : शूटर के खिलाफ बिना नाम और धारा की एफआईआर दर्ज की गई है – संगीता डोगरा
दिल्ली से नागपुर आई एनिमल एक्टिविस्ट और वन विभाग में अनबन नागपुर: बाघिन अवनि मामले में बिना नाम और बिना धारा की एफआईआर दर्ज की गई है. शफ़त खान और असगर अली पर जब कोई इल्जाम ही नहीं है...
Maha leaders who made their mark in 2018
Nagpur/Mumbai: Now that year 2018 is bidding bye to one and all, leaving a trail of many ups and downs, highs and lows for eminent personalities in various fields, political leaders were no different. And when...पंचायत ते पार्लियामेंट : सोशल मीडिया ठरवेल निवडणुकांची दिशा आणि दशा – अजित पारसे
नागपुर: कोणत्याही संघटनेचा व पक्षाचा मूलमंत्र हा सर्वाना सामावून घेणारा म्हणजेच " सर्व स्मूचय " असला पाहिजे , कोणत्याही प्रकारचे " विभूती पूजन " नसलेल्या संघटनांचे प्रचार, प्रसार वं यश हे दीर्घकाळ यशस्वीरीत्या टिकून राहत . सुधृढ लोकतंत्रासाठी पक्ष...
Rs 13,000 fine slapped on CM for traffic rule violation waived off!
Nagpur: Can you believe it! Two vehicles in the cavalcade of Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis were found to have jumped the speed barrier and thus violated traffic rules. Accordingly, a fine of Rs 13,000 was slapped...Vintage cars fill Nagpur streets with old world charm
Nagpur streets sported an old world charm on Sunday when the cars of good old times rolled out in all its splendor, as a part of Vintage Car Rally dedicated to ex-servicemen and...
Drone captures Sanskar Bharti’s ‘maharangoli’ at Surendra Nagar basketball ground
Nagpur: The plain court at Surendra Nagar basket ball wore colorful scapes on Sunday afternoon as a huge eye-catching rangoli, named as 'maharangoli' was drawn in order to portray the fine arts of...
6th December – mourning the demise of a man who brought millions to ‘life’
When Ambedkar was still at a nascent stage of his political career, at a venue of a meet, his congregation slept peacefully at night while he was wide awake. "Why don't you sleep too?" A journalist asked him. "If I...
“Let me shoot Amitabh Bachan in peace please!” Nagraj Manjule appeals to Nagpurians
Nagpur: By now everyone in Nagpur knows all about the shooting of Nagraj Manjule's latest film Jhund being shot on locations in Nagpur. The film is based on the life of Vijay Barse who introduced Slum Soccer in Nagpur /...
VIDEO: Amitabh Bachchan reaches Nagpur, shooting at Mohan Nagar today
Nagpur: The wait is finally over for all the aapla Nagpur fans of B-town's mega star Amitabh Bachchan as he has finally landed in Orange City on Monday to begin shooting for Nagraj Manjule's directorial venture Jhund. The movie is...
Stunner: No Fire Officer in State wields powers to inspect a building, serve notice legally
Nagpur: In a stunning revelation, it has come to fore that in the State of Maharashtra there is not a single officer of Fire Services who can inspect a building or issue notice to it legally. Currently, the action being...
Patansawangi toll plaza : Why free ride for cops’ families?
Nagpur: Yet another notorious act has been exposed at Patansawangi toll fee plaza located on Nagpur-Saoner-Betul road on national highway-69 in the state of Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh. The toll booth which has consistently remained in the news for all...
Vikas or Vinash? Do we really need the alternate Futala road by killing 500 trees, ask environmentalists
Aware Nagpur citizens are very concerned and perturbed about a 'new road' that is on the anvil to substitute for the Futala road that will be closed for 'redevelopment and beautification' for a period of one year. Aren't we suffering enough...
खतरे में संविधान!
भारत आज संविधान दिवस मना रहा है । उस 'भारतीय संविधान ',जिसे हमारे प्रधान मंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी सर्वाधिक पवित्र धार्मिक ग्रंथ निरुपित कर चुके हैं,के अस्तित्व में आने का दिवस!वह संविधान, जो हमें समानता के अधिकार के साथ अजादी का एहसास...