Nagpur: The Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) on Friday has issued orders banning immersion of idols of Lord Ganesh in all the lakes of city. Apart from immersion, the civic body has also banned sale of idols made of Plaster of Paris (PoP). The idols can be immersed only in artificial tanks only.
Rajesh Bhagat, Deputy Commissioner, Solid Waste Management, issued the order on Friday, as per the instructions of Municipal Commissioner Radhakrishnan B.
Preparations are underway by the civic administration to celebrate Ganeshotsav in an environmental-friendly manner. With this in view, artificial lakes will be provided for immersion of Ganesh idols in each of the 10 Zones.
Apart from this, mobile artificial tanks will also be available for the convenience of the citizens throughout the city. Separate vehicles will be provided by the Garbage Collection Agency for Nirmalya collection from households and also Sarvajanik Ganeshotsav Mandals.
The use of plastic and thermocol for the decoration of Lord Ganesh has also been completely banned along with the PoP idols.
NMC has appealed to citizens not to use any of the banned items for decoration, and preferably immerse Ganesh idols at their home. Similarly, NMC has also introduced a competition to select top three zones for maximum immersions are done in artificial tanks and for maximum action against sellers of PoP idols.