Nagpur: Nearly 350 resident doctors of Government Medical College and Hospital (GMCH) have been deprived of their daily allowance. Generally the daily allowance (DA) is deposited in their bank accounts in July- August. But this time they have not received DA of one full session which is was from July 2016 to July 2017. More over the Medical administration has cut their salary as these doctors had gone on strike. Nearly Rs 8000 was cut from their salaries. Earlier, the resident doctors were getting 245 percent daily allowance which was increased to 256 percent which amounts to Rs 15,000 per doctor. Though the year is coming to an end doctors have not got their daily allowance which they should have got it by July itself.
Talking of the daily allowance, Maharashtra Association of Resident Doctors (MARD) Secretary Dr Lajpat Agrawal said, the session is from July to July and now it is more than a year and still the daily allowance has not been given to any of resident doctors. But they have promptly deducted Rs 8000 from their salaries for about 5 days when docs were on strike. Agrawal said, on confronting the GMCH Dean Dr Abhimanyu Niswade, he said that they had not received the money.
This reporter tried to contact the Dean Dr Abhimanyu Niswade over the phone and also sent an SMS but there was no reply.