Nagpur: We often think about our retirement plan because we know some day or the other we would retire from our work. Every working individual has this pschye in mind which prompts them to work towards a better retirement. But this does not hold true in terms of politicians, why? Because they never retire or say, they do not have any upper age limit to call it a day.
Pondering and brainstorming over this thought, a young man practising as an advocate in Nagpur – Ashish Kataria has written to the Prime Minister Narendra Modi, requesting him to fix the retirement of all political leaders.
In his letter Kataria said, “In our country every field has some retirement age but in politics there is no such age limit.Generally it has been seen that at the age of 55-60 a person become lazy and many health problem engulfs.
At that span of time a person loses his or her capability to think more effectively. As we know politicians are very crucial and important part of our country. So politicians should have retirement age.”
He also added, “We need young people to take up senior positions in political arena, which is only possible when elders leave participation in politics.”
Making an appeal in his letter Kataria expressed, “I feel it is so good to give youth more opportunities because they are full of ideas and are energetic to their tasks.”
“On a biological level, all humans face deterioration, both physically and mentally and politician are not exception to this rule,” Kataria wrote.
He concluded his letter by saying that this letter was not against the politics but this is to help the nation.