Nagpur: A 33-year-old man from Nagpur tragically drowned in the sea during a trip to Goa with his relatives. The incident came to light on Friday morning, and the local police have registered it as an accidental death.
The deceased, identified as Pranay Vijay Thul, was a resident of New Indira Colony in Bhagwan Nagar, Nagpur. He worked for a private company in Pune and had been living there for his job. On Thursday, Pranay traveled to Goa with his sister and brother-in-law for a vacation.
The trio arrived in South Goa by car on Thursday night and stayed at a hotel near the beach. On Friday morning, Pranay was missing from his hotel room. However, his slippers and mobile phone were still in the room. Alarmed, his sister and brother-in-law began searching for him.
When their efforts proved unsuccessful, they sought help from lifeguards near the beach. The lifeguards initiated a search in the sea, where they eventually found Pranay’s body.
His body was transported to Nagpur by air on Saturday morning. A somber funeral was held at Manewada crematorium, where grieving family and friends bid farewell.
The incident has left his family and loved ones in deep shock and sorrow.