Published On : Mon, Jun 24th, 2024

Nagpur markets abuzz with back-to-school shoppers


Nagpur: As the new academic session approaches, major markets across Nagpur, including Sitabuldi Main Road, Gokulpeth, Dharampeth, Gandhibagh, Sadar, Itwari, and others, are experiencing a significant surge in activity. Zealous parents and excited children have flocked to these bustling areas in preparation for the reopening of schools following the summer vacations.

The influx of shoppers was particularly noticeable on Sunday, ahead of the June 24 reopening date for CBSE schools. Parents and students were seen in large numbers, eagerly shopping for essential school supplies. The markets were vibrant with the energy of families making the most of the weekend to complete their purchases.


Shops specializing in school necessities such as uniforms, stationery, school bags, water bottles, raincoats, and umbrellas reported a significant increase in customers. These items were in high demand, with many stores experiencing heavy foot traffic as parents ensured their children were well-prepared for the new school year.

In particular, stores selling school bags, raincoats, and umbrellas saw a marked rise in shoppers. With the monsoon season coinciding with the school reopening, parents were keen on equipping their children with raincoats and umbrellas to keep them dry during the rainy days ahead.

Shopkeepers across these markets have noted the enthusiastic response from parents and students. “Every year, we see a rush around this time, but this year, the enthusiasm seems even higher,” remarked a shop owner in Sitabuldi. “Parents are very particular about ensuring their children have everything they need, especially with the added concern of the monsoon.”

Parents, too, expressed their sentiments about the shopping spree. “It’s always a bit hectic, but seeing the excitement on my child’s face makes it worth it,” said a mother shopping for her son’s school supplies in Dharampeth. “We want to make sure he starts the new school year on a positive note.”

The vibrant scenes in Nagpur’s markets underscore the community’s commitment to education and the well-being of their children. As the new academic session begins, the city’s markets will continue to thrive, reflecting the enthusiasm and preparedness of parents and students alike.