Nagpur: In a significant development in the Ram Jhula hit-and-run case, the junior court has declared the arrest of accused Ritika Malu illegal and has rejected the police’s request for PCR (police custody remand). The court has also ordered the police to release Malu immediately.
According to the information, the accused, Ritika Malu, surrendered to the police on Monday and was presented in court today. During the hearing, Judge A.V. Khedekar issued the directives. The police had requested Malu’s PCR during the hearing, which was opposed by Malu’s lawyer. After hearing arguments from both sides, the court ruled Malu’s arrest illegal and rejected the request for PCR, ordering her immediate release.
On February 25, Ritika Malu, allegedly under the influence of alcohol, drove a speeding Mercedes on Ram Jhula, running over two youths. The victims, Mohammad Hussain Gulam Mustafa (34) from Mominpura and Mohammad Atif (32) from Jafar Nagar, died in the accident.
Prior to this, the Mumbai High Court’s Nagpur Bench had rejected Malu’s anticipatory bail plea, making her arrest imminent. Malu surrendered to the police before the arrest could be executed.