Nagpur: The State government had doctors, the administration of Mayo and promised to waive off education fee of resident doctors giving services consistently from Last 18 months curing novel Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic period and provide incentive.
But the promises made don’t seem to be fulfilled even after the second wave of coronavirus has gone. Unhappy over this, the resident doctors all over the state have taken the decision to go on strike from October 1.
The resident doctors of Government Medical College and Indira Gandhi Government Medical College and Hospital have supported this strike. Discussions of representatives of Central MARD are going on at government level. But as no solution has been found yet, the resident doctors have decided to continue the strike. The health services can get affected due to the strike.
There are 150 resident doctors in Mayo and 600 resident doctors in GMC. These doctors have decided to continue services in Covid emergency and ICU. The resident doctors of GMC and Mayo submitted letters to their respective deans about their agitation on Wednesday.
President of GMC MARD Dr Sajal Bansal said that resident doctors risked their lives during Covid pandemic and performed duty. The government had promised to waive the education fee and give other facilities. But this did not happen. As per appeal of Central MARD, a decision to join the strike has been taken. President of Mayo MARD Dr Nitin Jagtap also submitted a memorandum and made a decision to support the strike.