Nagpur: In a bizarre incident, an Inspector of Regional Transport Office (RTO) was injured after a bullet from his service revolver pierced his leg accidently. The incident took place at the Abhyankar Nagar residence of the RTO official on May 7, police said.
The official was identified as Sanket Gaikwad (32), a resident of Abhyankar Nagar, and native of Solapur district. The incident came to fore during scrutiny of the medicolegal case (MLC) report.
According to police sources, the incident took place when the RTO official was getting ready for his office. According to a statement given by Inspector Gaikwad, the service revolver slipped from his hand and fell on the corner of a tea table. As a result, the fire-arm’s trigger got pressed and a bullet pierced through his left leg and got stuck in the right leg.
He was alone at home when the incident took place. Gaikwad was admitted to a private hospital at Dhantoli for treatment. The doctors performed surgery and removed the bullet. As it was a medical legal case, the hospital administration informed Dhantoli police. The Dhantoli police transferred the case to the Bajaj Nagar police.
Gaikwad was called by the police to record his statement. The investigation of this case is not yet completed. The police are likely to check CCTV footage of Gaikwad’s home, sources said.