Nagpur: In a significant action against rampant cases of housebreakings in rural areas of Nagpur District, the Local Crime Branch (LCB) of Nagpur Rural Police has nabbed four persons, including a bullion trader, involved in 21 cases and recovered Rs 17.38 lakh. This is perhaps the highest recovery amount and number of cases cracked, mentioned Superintendent of Police Vishal Anand, here on Friday.
The accused Mohammad Shahbaz, alias Ghungru, alias Mohammad Salim Ansari (31), a resident of Kadar Zenda, Kamptee, Mohammad Jubail, alias Jabir Barkatali Haidari (25), a resident of Azad Nagar, near Dragon Palace Temple, Sallaluddian Pathan (31), a resident of Ismailpura, and Yogesh Damodar Srirang (35), a resident of Yetkheda, have been arrested in this connection.
Addressing the press conference, SP Anand informed that Ansari is the mastermind of this gang, which used to operate in rural areas of Nagpur.
“They would target locked houses and break in, decamping with gold and silver ornaments within 10-15 minutes of the crime,” he said.
Following a technical probe into the matter, cops managed to trace accused Ansari to Rajasthan. After his grilling, Ansari spilled the beans and named other accused in the matter, the SP said.
Under SP Anand and Addl SP Dr Sandip Pakhale, the LCB squad led by Omprakash Kokate and comprising APIs Anil Raut, Rajiv Kamarlwal, Ashishsingh Thakur, Police Constables Vinod Kale, Iqbal Sheikh, Dyaneshwar Raut, Police Naik Virendra Narad, Rohan Dakhore, and others made the significant breakthrough.