Nagpur: Despite state efforts to empower women through initiatives like the Ladaki Bahin Yojana, the city has seen a disturbing rise in crimes against women. In the past eight months, 148 missing women remain untraceable, while crimes such as rape and kidnapping have significantly increased, according to information obtained through a Right to Information (RTI) request.
RTI activist Abhay Kolarkar sought details on crimes against women, revealing that from January to August 2023, 90 minor girls and 113 women were raped in Nagpur, averaging 25 cases of rape each month. This marks a 16% rise compared to last year, when an average of 21 cases per month were recorded, totaling 263 rapes in 2023.
The situation is equally alarming for kidnappings, with 257 cases reported during the same period, averaging at least one young woman abducted daily. These shocking figures highlight a growing concern for women’s safety in the city, as authorities struggle to address the rising tide of violence and disappearances.