Published On : Mon, Dec 3rd, 2018

Nagpur startup to get CII Startupreneur award at New Delhi


It is a matter of pride that a young Nagpur startup Ritu Malhotra has been selected for Top women startup award at award ceremony organised by CII on 3rd December at Global future business forum in New Delhi.

Ritu Malhotra had presented her product before a grand jury of CII startupreneur Awards on 16th November in Delhi. She was selected as top women startup and will be conferred with 11 awards by the corporate partners of CII.

Gold Rate
Wednesday 19 March 2025
Gold 24 KT 88,900 /-
Gold 22 KT 82,700 /-
Silver / Kg 101,100 /-
Platinum 44,000 /-
Recommended rate for Nagpur sarafa Making charges minimum 13% and above

Venture catalyst Nagpur has done hand holding of this entrepreneur through their mentor B C Bhartia.

EzySpit – World’s first spit pack the product is a unique product which helps in avoiding spitting in public place or making walls red all over. Spitting & liquid waste in the street is one of the growing concerns of sanitation issues around the world.


EzySpit ,Ezy Liquid Disposal bin, EzyVomit Bag & Ezy Urine Bag

It Absorbs liquid converts into granules don’t let the germs of dangerous diseases spread in air
Its Temper proof , spill proof (can be used multiple times) and odour free, gives out fragrance.
Made up of bio-degradable material after complete use it get converted into fertilisers

EzySpit :Persons who want to spit can carry this pouch with themselves and whenever they want to spit they can spit in that pouch. Similarly those travelling in car or in office can keep EzySpit glass with them and spit in that glass, for public places or big buildings there is EzySpit Bin Persons can spit in EzySpit bin and every day the cleaning person can change the bowl inside that bin. In this way the patients suffering from TB, cancer or any other disease where lot of spitting has to be done can be done in this EzySpit products.

Ezy Liquid Disposal bin : Ezy Liquid Disposal bin for restaurants ,hotels, railway stations and public places ( for disposal of tea, coffee etc)

Ezy Vomit Bag- Vomiting bags for travelling in buses ,airlines and for pregnant women.


· It will reduce 99% risk of spreading viral diseases like Swine flu, Tuberculosis, Tb epidemic, Pneumonia etc.

· Contribute to smart cities with clean and hygienic environment.

· Saves million liters of water used for cleaning spit marks & liquid waste.It can also save revenue used for cleaning the public places.

· Will Improve cleanliness in the city and ultimately ensure citizen satisfaction.

· Will improve ecology and environment of river flowing through city areas.

At the award giving ceremony Ritu Malhotra will be personally present. She will make a presentation in the session on ‘Changemakers: India’s most potential startups’ at Stein Auditorium, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi

For making EzySpit product special efforts were carried on by Prateek Malhotra, Prateek Harde, Chetan Bhartia and Poonam Khandelwal.
