Nagpur: Jaripatka Police have booked a 22-year-old youth and his mother from Bhopal in Madhya Pradesh, allegedly for forcing Nagpur teen to sleep with other men. The mother-son duo has been booked for rape, criminal intimidation and other offences in this connection.
The victim, a resident of Jaripatka, is part of an event management firm and had gone to Bhopal in May where she met accused Abhishek Kuril, who lured her into a relationship and raped her, sources said.
The Abhishek’s mother Rajni (45) has also been booked as the two forced the girl to have physical relationships with other men as well, as per the complainant. He also uploaded her obscene photographs on social media after stealing her mobile phone.
Following the complaint of the victim, cops registered a case and efforts were on to arrest the accused.