Nagpur: A video of two traffic police officers from Nagpur is rapidly going viral on social media. The video shows the officers stopping motorists and checking their documents while their own bike’s license plate is covered with black tape. This incident reportedly occurred near Sarja Bar in the Kalamna area.
Nagpur city traffic police have once again found themselves in controversy. The viral video shows two officers standing by the roadside, stopping vehicles for checks, despite having black tape on their own bike’s license plate.
When a motorcyclist recorded the officers and questioned them about the black tape, one of the officers deflected by asking the motorcyclist about his helmet. The incident took place under the flyover near Sarja Bar in Kalamna, and the officers involved are said to be from the Kamptee Traffic Police Department.
There was no traffic congestion where the officers were stationed, suggesting they were there for unauthorized extortion, issuing fines to motorists. Despite this, senior city police officials have not taken any apparent action, emboldening such misconduct.