Nagpur: In a commendable move, the Finance Department of Zilla Parishad (ZP) Nagpur disbursed salaries for a total of 4,036 teachers, along with 8,679 retired teachers and non-teaching staff on October 3.
This timely release of funds follows a directive from CEO ZP, Saumya Sharma, who had issued a letter to the Department, mandating the release of salaries on the first day of each month. Additionally, she set specific dates for the submission of salary demand notes for various departments.
This initiative has proven successful over the past two months, with August salaries disbursed on September 1, and September salaries on October 3. This slight delay was attributed to public holidays on October 1 and 2.
The Finance Department of ZP Nagpur continues to work diligently to support all departments, divisions, 13 Panchayat Samitis, and 768 Gram Panchayats under its purview.
Chief Accounts and Finance Officer, Kumudini Shrikhande, emphasized in a press release that the Finance Department remains committed to ensuring the prompt disbursement of salaries on the first day of every month for all dedicated staff members. This proactive approach reflects their unwavering dedication to the welfare of employees.