Nagpur: Bollywood actor Sonu Sood who hails from Nagpur is all set to visit city on Wednesday to meet and greet his fans and fellow mates. However he also has a purpose beneath. That his movie Tutak Tutak Tutiya is hitting screens soon and he would request his fans in city to go and watch his movie.
Tutak Tutak Tutiya is being released simultaneously in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu. In Tamil the movie is Devi while it is Abhinetri in Telugu and Tutak Tutak Tutiya in Hindi. Tutak Tutak Tutiya is horror movie which is co-written and directed by A. L. Vijay. The movie stars Prabhu Deva, Tamannaah and Sonu Sood in the main lead roles. Tutak Tutak Tutiya Movie also has RJ Balaji, Sathish and Amy Jackson, Esha Gupta and Farah Khan in guest appearances. The movie is scheduled for a worldwide release on October 7, 2016.
During his visit to Nagpur, Sonu Sood who has completed his Engineering from Nagpur will be visiting his Alma Mater YCCE, Dwarka Water Park. He will also be addressing the media-personnel during press meets.
Tutak Tutak Tutiya Movie is a Sonu Sood Production, Directed by A L Vijay, Produced by Shakti Films, Sonu Sood , Associate Producer Ajay Dhama.