Nagpur: Cyber fraudsters have devised a new trick to target unsuspecting Nagpurians by exploiting their curiosity and emotions. In a ploy dubbed the “Wedding Invitation Scam,” victims receive a wedding invitation link on WhatsApp from an unknown number. When the recipient opens the file, assuming it is a genuine invite, they inadvertently download an APK (Android Package Kit) file. Within moments, they lose control of their phone as cybercriminals gain access to sensitive data and personal information.
Reports indicate hundreds of similar complaints have surfaced across Nagpur and the State.
Modus operandi of the scam
Cybercriminals are constantly innovating to lure victims into their traps. Previously, they used scare tactics like pretending to call from a bank or warning about account deactivation to extract sensitive information such as ATM passwords. However, as people have become more cautious about these methods, scammers have shifted to more emotionally driven strategies.
In the current scam, cybercriminals send a video link titled “Wedding Invitation” with the file name ending in “.APK.” The sender’s number is unfamiliar, yet recipients often assume it is from a relative or acquaintance. Out of curiosity or fear of missing a family event, many download the file.
Once the file is downloaded, the phone shuts down and restarts with altered settings. Through the malicious APK file, fraudsters secretly take control of the phone. They then gain access to:
• Messages
• Contact lists
• Photos and videos
• Banking apps
• Payment apps like Paytm and Google Pay
• Social media accounts like WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram
Scammers misuse documents stored on the phone, such as Aadhaar and PAN cards, for fraudulent purposes.
Using the compromised phone, scammers often make online purchases through payment apps linked to the victim’s bank accounts. The payments are deducted directly from the victim’s accounts without their knowledge. The scam also involves transferring money from the victim’s bank account to the fraudsters’ accounts, causing significant financial losses.
Police warning
Amit Dolas, Police Inspector, Nagpur Cyber Crime, has urged citizens to remain vigilant against such scams. “Do not download files in APK format from unknown sources, as they may contain malware or give criminals control over your phone. If you suspect fraud, immediately call the helpline number 1930 or file a complaint at the nearest police station,” he said.
Citizens are advised to exercise caution and avoid falling prey to such schemes.