On Sunday, June 23rd, 2017, a book of IPS officer Lohit Matani was launched at Mateshwari Bhawan in Jaripatka, Nagpur on the occasion of the birthday celebrations of honorable Chief Minister of Maharashtra Shri Devendra Fadnavis. The officers has made persistent efforts to pen down this book during his training period as well as during his initial months of regular posting. According to the officer, reading and writing is his hobby and the two books he has written till date are among the many books he has planned to write in future.
In his recent book, “A Bouquet of Services”, Lohit Matani has given an introduction to different civil services working under the Central and State Governments of India. In the book, he has described the roles, responsibilities, career path, cadre structure, advantages and disadvantages of different All India Services and Central Civil Services recruited by the UPSC. He has also describes real life case studies of serving and retired officers from 23 different All India Services and Central Civil Services including IAS, IFS and IPS. He has also described the various State, National and International deputation opportunities enjoyed by the officers of different services. The book is highly important for the college going youth who have a bent to know about the work profile, career path, advantages and disadvantages of different civil services. It provides an insight to compare the importance of different civil services and is important for serving civil servants to know about the structure of the various wings of the Indian Government. This book is written using the information given by, and the real life experience of, 24 different officers from 23 different All India Services and Central Civil Services.
The book is first of its kind and the idea was conceived by its authors Lohit Matani and Vishal. It will be extremely important for the Civil Services (Main) Examination and Interview.
Earlier, Lohit Matani had written a book on the subject “Internal Security’ describing in detail the internal security situation of India. Lohit Matani is presently posted as Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) at Ramtek Subdivision in Nagpur District.