Nagpur: The city’s esteemed resident, Narendra Varma, was recently honoured for his remarkable achievement of completing 50 years as an agent of the Life Insurance Corporation (LIC). Varma was part of the inaugural batch of the Career Agent Branch (CAB) in Nagpur, which was established on June 3, 1973.
To commemorate the golden jubilee of the CAB, a grand felicitation ceremony was organized, paying tribute to Varma’s long-standing commitment and dedication. The event took place at Mount Hotel in Sadar and was attended by several esteemed individuals, including Utsav Malik, the Senior Divisional Manager of Nagpur, Dekate, Manager Sales, Moreshwar Raut, the newly appointed Manager of CAB, Deepak Shende, the Branch Manager of CAB CLAI, Navnit Chandak, former President of the Life Insurance Agents Federation of India 1964, and other officials.
The program commenced with the ceremonial lighting of the traditional lamp, symbolizing the auspiciousness of the occasion. Subsequently, a celebratory cake was cut by Narendra Varma himself, marking the milestone moment. Utsav Malik, the Senior Divisional Manager of Nagpur, presented Varma with a commemorative shield as a token of appreciation and respect for his remarkable accomplishment. The speakers at the event expressed their heartfelt congratulations to Narendra Varma for his successful completion of 50 years as an LIC agent, praising his unwavering commitment and exemplary service.
The felicitation ceremony witnessed the presence of a large number of LIC employees and agents, reflecting the admiration and respect they hold for Narendra Varma. His journey of half a century as an LIC agent serves as an inspiration to others, showcasing the significance of dedication, professionalism, and unwavering commitment in the insurance industry.
Narendra Varma’s milestone achievement not only highlights his individual success but also brings pride and recognition to the Career Agent Branch (CAB) and the entire LIC community in Nagpur. The felicitation event served as a testament to the impact he has made throughout his career and the positive influence he has had on the lives of numerous policyholders.