Published On : Fri, Jul 18th, 2014

Nagpur’s rural youth to benefit from newly opened ‘Multi Skill Industrial Training Institute’


Nagpur News

For quite a long time, the skilled manpower in city’s industrial sector has been high on demand. Now this will demand will be met to a great extent as a private state of art industrial training institute (ITI) has come at Vihirgaon on Umred road here. The institute has around 26 villages around its vicinity. With an aim to create the best industrial worker with multiple skills for industrial development, the idea of ‘Multi Skill Industrial training Institute’ was conceived by the Director of the Institute, Suchit Uskelwar. The institute will mainly focus on providing technical education and cater to the employment needs of the rural youth, he said.

Uskelwar has been into technical education field from past two decades. Knowing the needs of the students from rural belt the institute is located such in a way that the students of the villages will not have to go to city for the ITI course.

Speaking with Nagpur Today, Principal of the Institute, Vinod.H.Bobde informed that the institute is very spacious and eco-friendly. There are state of art work- shops and modern machinery & equipments installed in the institute.

Pay fees from your earning!
The institute will have a very unique programmes such as “Production Oriented Training Scheme” (P.O.T.S) and Earn and Learn Programmes. In Production Oriented Training Scheme programme, the student will get to experience practical training along with his regular studies. This they achieve by undertaking various contracts (technical as well as others) which the company usually offers to skilled labourers. These students of ITI get to earn their stipend by actually working under the skilled master-skilled workers. This helps the students to get on-job training as well as a chance to redeem his or her fees by earning the labour charges.

All round training

The Institutes mission is to build cultural pillar of humanity, devotion to training, maximum placement, future build up, physical training and safety for trainee. The students can also get installment facility for fees. Initially, the institute will have programmes for electrician and fitter. The industry demand here is mostly in these two trades only, added Bobde.

MoU with 37 industries for internship

He further informed that the institute has memorandum of understanding (MoU) with 37 prominent Industries of the region where the students will get to do internship. The Institute will emphasis on imparting employability skills to the student. Opportunities for ITI technicians are immense, said Uskelwar. Most of the students get employed with various industries in and around the city, since there is huge demand for skilled labours. Students can also start their own business after the completions of their course. For capital and other financial support, they can avail of loans provided by various Nationalized Banks.
The admissions for current academic session will start soon.
