Nagpur/London: Puting Nagpur yet again on the global fashion map, city-based designer Vidhi Wadhwani has given Nagpurians moments of pride as she got to display her collection at London Fashion Week Autumn/Winter’18 – an international fashion event held at Freemasons Hall in London recently. Vidhi managed to put her collection ‘Solistice’ in prime league of hot and trendy fashion. Her wonderful creations were presented on the runway by some of the top models in the industry. She displayed her collection under her label Wadhwani – The original while she named this collection as ‘Solstice’ A/W ’18. Interestingly she was only designer from India to participate in the event.
Wadwani’s collection featured structured cuts, seamless drapes, moulage, 3D handcrafted textures through deconstruction and fabric manipulation and gave the viewers a spectacular show where luminosity and darkness entwined together, inspired by the juxtaposition of light and shadow created during the day and night.
Being the only designer from India, Vidhi took over London, with her collection that resonates with the carefree nomadic easy-going muse, who doesn’t confirm to the usual and thrives in her world where everything is possible. The front row saw an array of names like Perri Shakes Drayton, Naomi Isted and Olivia Cox in Vidhi’s creations.
The A/W’18 line was especially focused on being season less- on the lines of See now!
Buy now! The separates comprised of structured dresses, deconstructed jackets and sheer skirts and soft layers, geometric appliqué and block-printed organzas in monochrome’s and metallics.
The USP of the pieces lied in her signature appliqué and cutwork, intricate detailing and breathtaking delicate textures. The silhouettes were easy and the vibe was edgy yet sophisticated.
The label embodies the spirit of femininity and strength through its western and diffusion-line of occasion-wear for the 21-45 age-bracket.
The USP of the brand lies in its unique hand-done textures, draping and intricate detailing that make each piece subtly converse with its wearer.