Nagpur: National Cadet Corps Officer Training Academy, Kamptee launched the fortnight long ‘Swachhata Hi Sewa’ cleanliness campaign. Maj Gen AP Bam, SM, VSM, Commandant, Officers and Staff of Academy & Course students of Pre-Commission Course and Permanent Instructors of various NCC Units of all three services of Indian Armed Forces attended the programme. After administering the ‘Swachhata Pleadge’ to the participants, Commandant mentioned that cleanliness is not the responsibility of only sanitation personnel but it is a multi stake holder national movement, hence, it should be viewed as a mass movement.
He appealed to the participants that the cleanliness as a habit should not be limited during this 15 days campaign, but should become an everyday activity. A need for behavioural change in the attitude of people towards hygiene & sanitation is thus needed.
NCC OTA, Kamptee has drawn up an elaborate Action Plan for the ‘Swachhata Hi Sewa’ campaign. The Academy has moved vigorously towards 100% implementation of e-office, which will result in reduced paper consumption and less garbage. An eco-friendly system to convert bio-waste, into manure has been installed in Academy Premise. Staff of NCC OTA, Kamptee regularly conducts “Shramdan” for maintenance of premises. A fabricated bath room complex, from Academy resources, has been installed for the civilians, passing on the road astride the Academy, for public usage for better hygiene & sanitation.