Published On : Mon, Jul 25th, 2022
By Nagpur Today Nagpur News

NCW’s mega players auction today


Come Monday and as many as 310 players will go under the hammer in Nagpur Cricket War’s (NCW) mega auction for Orange City’s prestigious cricket league at Hotel Centre Point, Ramdaspeth.

The cricket league organised by Nagpur Cricket War is an invitational box cricket tournament played among teams owned by a group of friends. The event is being promoted by Ranikothi.
Owners and support staff of 18 teams will be engaged in bidding war to pick their favourite players beginning at 1.00 pm sharp in heart of the city.

Gold Rate
Wednesday 12 March 2025
Gold 24 KT 86,400 /-
Gold 22 KT 80,400 /-
Silver / Kg 98,300 /-
Platinum 44,000 /-
Recommended rate for Nagpur sarafa Making charges minimum 13% and above

Based on their performances in previous edition for their respective franchises, all the teams have already retained two players of their choice for the upcoming season. All the teams in fray to buy the players will have to adhere to the rules and regulations as laid down by the organisers.
A team can only buy three players under 30 years of age and each team is limited to purchase of only one leather ball professional player in their sides.
Every team will have 125 crore points to start with (points has no cash value) for making their squads of 13 players each.
From the total purse of 125 points, all the teams have already spent 25 points — ten for the owner and 7.5 each for two retainees. So, in effect, they can spend a maximum of 100 crore points only for buying ten more players.
Heroes of the last edition of the tournament were as under: Kanhaiya Warriors’ Deepesh Vaswani was named Best Batsman while Ranikothi Tigers’ Loveen Sawlani was named as the Best Bowler. The Best Fielder award was bagged by Saurabh Tardeja of Kanhaiya Warriors and Devesh Khandelwal of Khandelwal Knight Riders was declared as the Best Wicketkeeper.

Following is the list of the participating teams — with first name being that of the owner and the next two of the retainee players:

Ranikothi Tigers (Loveen Sawlani, Varun Sharma, Rajesh Krishnani); Mavericks (Saurabh Agarwal, Bhavik Karamchandani, Praveen Magnani); Smart Flyers (Amit Patel Dipak Sachdev, Rajeev Sharma); Blive (Pravesh Katariya, Vicky Amarnani, Gagan Kathri); MRSD Grinders (Lokesh Thakkar, Eshan Sahani, Monty Jham); MRSD Action (Gopal joshi Roshan Saraf, Vinay Agarwal,); Top Guns (Angadh Arora, Nalinabh Singh, Ankush Jawahrani); Khoka Boys (Suraj Dewani, Hitesh Lalwani, Khalid Mohammad); Kanhaiya Warriors (Vikas Sahajramani, Nishit Sahajramani, Anshul Sahahjramani); Power Hitters (Sumeet Agarwal, Abhishek Vijayvargi, Akash Khushwa); SK Fireballs (Sachin Kachhela, Rohit Mirani, Raja Chandani); R Sandesh XI (Dilip Agarwal, Swapnil Parekh, Mayur Bothra); Crazy Boys (Rishi Tekeriwal, Afzal Owmir, Aniket Parihar); Shravan Stars (Shravan Mohta, Yash Sewani, Sanket Suraywanshi); Hustlers (Sarvottam Kothari, Arjun Naidu, Gurpreet Wadhva); Lagaan XI (Snehal Patel, Himanshu Khushalani, Saurabh Tardeja); TSM Lions (Avi Agarwal, Arpit Khandelwal, Antush Khandelwal); Khandelwal Knight Riders (Nikhil Kahndelwal, Devesh Khandelwal, Amit Dongre).
