NDTV has issued a statement on its website, hours after a CBI raid at co-founder Prannoy Roy’s residence. Reports said that the CBI registered a case against Prannoy and his wife and co-founder of NDTV Radhika Roy and others for causing an alleged loss to ICICI Bank to the tune of 48 crore.
The NDTV statement reads:
“This morning, the CBI stepped up the concerted harassment of NDTV and its promoters based on the same old endless false accusations.
“NDTV and its promoters will fight tirelessly against this witch-hunt by multiple agencies. We will not succumb to these attempts to blatantly undermine democracy and free speech in India.
“We have one message to those who are trying to destroy the institutions of India and everything it stands for: we will fight for our country and overcome these forces.”