Nagpur: The chief minister Devendra Fadnavis on Wednesday announced that three major projects will be set up in Vidarbha. This included two orange procession centres, a Nestle milk processing unit and a textile unit of Raymond group which will invest Rs.1,500 cr in Amravati.
Replying to a debate under rule 293 in the State Legislative Assembly on drought situation in the State, Fadnavis informed that the orange procession unit will be set up by the State on 100 acres of land at Morshi in Amravati district with the assistance of Coca Cola and Jain Irrigation. The product from this centre will be available in the market under the State government’s already existing brand name Noga.
Apart from this, an orange and mosambi (sweet lime) juice processing unit will be set up at Butibori. This unit will sell packaged orange and mosambi juice.
Similarly, Brazilian variety of orange will be cultivated on 1,000 acres of land to develop top quality variety of orange in the region.
Fadnavis further announced that a milk processing unit will be set up in Bhandara-Gondia districts with the help of Nestle