Nagpur News:Young dental professionals must be kept updated with recent technologies in profession and also in capacity building and personality development. A new concept of Lunch-Box Continuing Dental Education (CDE) was organized at the Government Dental College and Hospital, Nagpur. This Lunch-Box CDE program is to update the knowledge of UG/Interns/PG students during the Lunch-Time. Academic topics with clinical/practical significance can be selected, preferably special clinical cases. The clinical procedures can be performed by the experts in the department within 1 hour of live/recorded video demonstration. This concept may lead to sharing ideas during lunch. This improves learning and grasping skill of the students and saves time especially in hospital premises. These programs offer the opportunities for the faculty to deliver webinars.
As part of this, four modules are planned for 2014-15 for students and interns. Communication skills, Tobacco control and Oral Cancer Prevention, Implant Dentistry, Basic Life Support. Dental Implant procedure is the most advanced treatment modality to replace the missing tooth with a TITANIUM screw (Implant). More than 250 dental implants in have been placed in last 3 years in the Institution.
Thus serving the common people with the most advanced treatment modality like Implantology. Under this first ever Lunch-Box CDE Program, Dr. Pravinkumar Patil, Assistant Professor from the Department of Prosthodontics, has given the live video demonstration for implant placement in the lower molar region in lunch time on 23rd Jan between 12 noon to 1 pm. Dr. Arun Khalikar HOD, Dr. Sattyam Wankhade, Dr. Vaibhav Kamble, Dr. Bipin Muley, Dr. Suroopa Das, Dr. Sushant Patil and Dr. Nitesh Shrivastava has worked hard to make this program a grant success.
About 60 young dental aspirants participated in this first ever Lunch-Box CDE program. On this occasion honorable Vice-chancellor, Maharashtra University of Health Sciences (MUHS), Nashik Dr. Arun Jamkar, Dean GMCH Nagpur Dr. Rajaram Powar and Dean GDCH Nagpur, Dr. Vinay Hazarey were present. Dr. Jamkar complimented the efforts of GDC Nagpur and suggested that this module can be initiated in other institutions of MUHS. GDC Nagpur is excelling in their academic, clinical and research areas at global level.